Friday, April 4, 2008


We spent two nights in Brussels and enjoyed some really good food as well as some belgian beers. We decided that we prefered Dutch beers and wished that we could find more of them in the US, but we had a fun time at Delerium Cafe, owned by Delerium Tremens brewery in Brussels. They have the largest selection of beers in the world? I think over 2000 different kinds. We ate at a southern French restaurant called L'Achepot that I would recommend to anyone visiting Brussels.

We also took a tour of the Cantillon brewery. It is a brewery the specializes in lambic beers; beers that are spontaneously fermented with wild yeasts. Its pretty awesome. It means they pretty much leave the beer in a huge tank and let the yeast in the air collect, and spontaneously ferment the beer. It is a very unique beer with a very sour taste like nothing you've had before. You can find it in the US and I recommend you do.

We didn't really do much tourism activities here because we lacked the information, but we pretty much just hung out and walked was freezing...and played with the dog that lived at our hostel. This post is going to be short but sweet because I cant remember what else we did here.


Rick Underwood said...

Where are the damn photos???

Kayli said...

It's Maggie!